If you own a company and you are in the process of hiring new employees, then which candidates you will be looking for? Candidates with high qualification, sufficient job experience, and a good know how of the industry are always the preferred candidates, but these traits are not pertinent to the fresh graduates. So, if you are also a fresh graduate, then it is important that you design your CV and your cover letter in a format that wither depicts your experience and knowledge or demonstrates your unique skills pertinent to the job you are applying for.
Make Your Resume as Per the Company Need
You should design more than one resume, when you are in the process of job hunt. I once did a certification course in Renewable Energy, but did not mention it in any of my resume as it was not related to them. But, once I applied for a job in a power generation company, I did mention my certification course in order to strengthen my resume for that particular job. Employers always look for candidates who have experience in the relevant field, so rather than mentioning whatever courses you did, it is recommended to mention only the ones that are related to the job you have applied for.
Strategy to Play When No Experience
Companies ask for experience when they hire a candidate and the majority of the fresh graduates do not have any relevant hands-on experience. In this case, candidates need to ensure that their profile and their objectives look very promising. They should shed light on a trait of them that can superimpose the experience of others. It can be a skill that they have applied in their education or their personal interest of the field. Candidates apply for a job in which they have a personal interest stand higher than the ones who have applied just to earn a living. So, you need to demonstrate your interest in the particular field or company as well.
Don’t Be Jack Of All, Master Of None!
It is good to have adequate knowledge and understanding of multiple fields, but it is very important that you know one skill better than the others. It is the skill that will define your personality, be it your management skills, writing, speaking or any other skills. So, when you are making your resume, cover letter or even when you are sitting at the interview table you should try to emphasize the trait that you master. So, it is like being a jack of all and master of one!
Don’t Be Too Subjective, But Objective
When you write in your CV or cover letter that I want to serve the company with my knowledge, this is quite subjective. How can one know that what knowledge you possess and whether or not the company would need that knowledge. Due to the limitation of word count in a resume, you can define your skill more precisely in the cover letter, and then try to relate it to the need of the company. In this way, you will sound more objective with your statement of serving for the company.
No one would like to hire a candidate with mediocre skills and high vulnerability over a candidate with excellent skills and high commitment level. For this reason, it is important that you make the other person content to the point that you are reliable, trustable, and are committed to your job. This all depends on how you negotiate with the recruiter through your written and verbal speech.
Author bio: Katherine Brunt is a professional writing consultant, who provides assignment writing help to EFL students, pursuing their degree from an international university. Her aim is to target the challenges faces by such students during their course of study.