College can be ridiculously expensive and many students seek part-time work to help them to avoid huge amounts of debt. However, when looking for a part-time job as a student, there are a few things you need to consider. You will need flexibility so you have time to study and can take time off for exams or when big assignments are due. Something fun would be ideal, as you don’t want to add to your stress levels. If possible, you also want to find something which will look good on your resume, give you some relevant experience for any future job applications, and let you learn a lot about your chosen field. I suppose you’d also like something that pays quite well. Here is a look at some of the best part-time jobs for students.
#1.Freelance Writer
To work as a freelance writer, you will need excellent writing skills, great command of language, the ability to edit your own work and be able to work well to deadlines. Freelance work can be varied and interesting and is easy to apply for using online freelancing sites. If you are new to writing, build up a portfolio of sample work to help you apply for jobs and beat off any competition.
#2.Virtual Assistant
More people than ever are starting their own business, blogs, or websites from home. These people often try to do everything themselves and can find it all a little overwhelming. Virtual assistants work online, helping them to schedule posts, answer emails, and manage their social media accounts.
#3.Support Worker
If you are studying healthcare or hope to have a career in the healthcare industry one day, getting a job as a support worker could give you a fantastic experience, which could one day lead to a great job. To become a support worker, sometimes you need to do some volunteer work and have some qualifications first. Look on your local government website for guidance.
You can tutor in any area where you have knowledge and skills. High-school students are often looking for help around exam time so offer your services to anyone you know. You could even speak to local schools to see if they could help you. Another option is tutoring outside of academia. If you have any skills such as being able to bake or play a musical instrument, you could become a tutor.
It’s relatively easy to find work as a childminder. Offer to look after the children of families you know to gain some experience and then advertise your skills online. Working as a childminder allows you to set your own hours and rates and shows you are a responsible and trustworthy person.
#6.Non-Profit Work
If you are studying a course like an international relations degree, a role in a non-profit organization could be ideal. As a student, you could get work as a fundraiser or organizer, which could eventually lead to a role heading a team abroad or as a communications specialist once you have graduated from your masters in international relations.
Whichever job you chose, make sure to always put your studies first and really sell your transferable skills on your graduate resume.